What is GST number of SMAS GROUP - 1?

GST Number of Smas Group - 1 is 27AAHPF0263F2Z3. This Proprietorship was registered on 24/08/2017 in Maharashtra state.

Particulars Details
Business NameSMAS GROUP - 1
Main Nature of BusienssSupplier of Services
AddressPlot No 40 Lokhande Nagar Behind Gayatri Mandir, , Ring Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra - 440022
ContactEmail : Not Provided
Mobile : Not Provided
Telephone : Not Provided

In how many states Smas Group - 1 is registered under GST?

As per information we aquired from various sources ( internet, visiting premises etc.) this business is registered in 1 states. Note that registration details are as per our information and actual data may differ. Before you make any decision, it is advised to contact company and obtain exact information.

List of states in which Smas Group - 1 is registered:
State GST Number